Friday, December 21, 2012

Our 1 year Londonversary!

Josh and I officially celebrated our one year Londonversary on December 9th.  Funnily enough, that is the same day that we arrived back to London after our three week visit to the States!  Being in England has been a blessing,  Josh and I have met some really wonderful people and have had the opportunity to see and do some pretty amazing things.  Here's what we have been able to cross off our bucket list...

1. Visit Scotland

2. Eat Haggis

3.  Celebrate Hogmanay (New Years Celebration in Scotland)

4. Be a bridesmaid at my little brother's wedding!

5. Conquering my fear of heights!  Maybe...

6. Eating white fish bait...never again btw...

7.  Eating ice cream in Paris!

8. Kissing my husband on the top of the Eiffel Tower

9.  Riding the Eurostar through the Chunnel!  

10.  Visiting Stonehenge!

11.  Drinking Lambic beer in Brussels!

12.  Eat a real Belgium waffle in Belgium

13.  Take a Canal Ride in Amsterdam

14.  Do other stuff in Amsterdam that I will neither admit or deny...

15.  Visit the Anne Frank House

16.  Visit the Rhine river valley in Germany

17. Eat currywurst

18.  Ride in a cable car!  Very scary for me!

19.  Ate Kangaroo!

20.  Ate a scone with clotted cream and jam (much yummier than Kangaroo!)

21.  Swam in a sea of grass

22.  Visited the white cliffs of Dover

23.  Watched tennis matches at Wimbledon!

24.   Visited Venice and its surrounding islands.

25.  Swam in the Adriatic Sea

26.  Learned how to be a Gondolier! 

27.  Attended the Olympics, London 2012!

28.  Celebrated 10 years of wedded bliss!

29.  Enjoyed the Brighton shore.

30.  Attended the paralympics and visited Olympic park.

31.  Climbed a mountain in the Australian Alps.

32.  Sang "the hills are alive, with the sound of music" in Austria

33.  Ate a pretzel in Salzburg

34.  Celebrated Oktoberfest in London with our favorite Aussie's!

35.  Welcomed my brother and sister-in-law to England (and Hercules too!)

36. Visited the beaches of Normandy with my parents.

37. Went punting in Cambridge

38.  Used a hedgerow as a wind barrier!

39.  Rode on a car ferry!

40.  Visited Cornwall and Wales

This past year has been full of wonderful adventures and we have made some amazing memories.  I can't wait to see what the next twelve months will bring.  We have friends and family planning visits and Josh and I have a few "must see" places to travel this year!  Next up is the Holbrook/Baird Family Christmas at Samanda's in Chippinham.  I am beyond excited about going to visit, hopefully lots of fun and hilarity awaits us.  See you in 2013!
Rachel xoxo

1 comment:

Samanda Holbrook said...

Love all of your pictures and adventures! We were talking about going to Scotland next new years with some of our friends looks super awesome so I hope it works out! Can't wait for our Christmas and New Years celebrations!! Love you!