Sunday, February 17, 2013

Here and There and Everywhere

The last few weeks have been full of flitting from here and there around London.  There is always so much to do around here!  We took a tour of Windsor with Sam and Amanda, took in the Chinese New Year with Kieran and Alissa, and spent a day walking around Greenwich.  In between work and weekends out, I have been volunteering at a local community garden and an organic gardening center.  I have really been missing my big backyard and garden back in Missouri so it has been fantastic to get my hands in some dirt!

Amanda, Sam (AKA Blueberry Boy) and Josh listening to the Audio Guides

Josh taking a break in Windsor

A garden and the Round House at Windsor

The Queen's Guards...these guys freak me out a bit.  I think it is the huge hairy hats.

Josh and I at Windsor Palace

Amanda and I in front of the Crooked House where we enjoyed a lovely afternoon tea!  

Sam's amazing looking pancakes, yum!

Mmmmmm....scones with jam and clotted cream!  After I ate this I had a British accent for 15 minutes!
The weather was miserable the weekend we went to Windsor...and it didn't get any better at the Chinese New Year festival!  Wet, cold and rainy...blah.  We made the best of it and spent most of out time indoors have a delicious Chinese feast.

The main stage in Trafalgar Square.  The Chinese New Years celebration in London is the largest outside of China!

Wet and rainy Chinese Lanterns.  

Making our way to Chinatown for our lunch.  

There was a kitchen fire at the restaurant across from the one we ate at.  I'm not sure how they got that truck in!  

I heard a statistic that there are now more English speaking people in China than there are in the United States.  Crazy!  

A glimpse of the dragon through the crowd.  
This past weekend, Josh and I visited Greenwich.  I've been there before (three times), but this was Josh's first trip.  We did come across a film being made while at the Royal Naval Academy to see the Painted Room.  It was fun to watch.  I'm not sure what they were filming, it seemed like a small production, so probably not something that will be seen on the "big screen".  We didn't hear any dialogue, it was just people walking, a few bicyclists and some cars.  It looked like the movie was set in the 70's.

We also have a visitor for the next couple weeks.  Flat Stanley is visiting us from Quincy via my cousin Niki's little boy, Jack.  Stanley and I have been having a good time visiting some of the London sites.  Next weekend he'll be coming with us to visit Samanda.  I'm hoping to get Stanley into the cockpit of a KC-135!

Josh at the prime meridian.

The movie "set"

Stanley and the Cutty Sark!
Until next time :)
Rachel x

1 comment:

Samanda Holbrook said...

We loved exploring Windsor castle with you! Maybe flat Stanley can refuel with the boom on Sam's flight Saturday, Sam knows the boom and says we would do it and of course Flat Stanley could fly the plane too, I am sure he will have fun on the flight. Can't wait to see you three tonight!
