Sunday, February 2, 2014

America and Christmas

Back in October, I flew back to the States to spend a few weeks with my family.  Josh followed a week later.  It is always such a good feeling to see arrive at the airport and have my sister, mom and niece Hazel greet me.  Hazel gives the best welcome back hugs!  I arrived in Springfield in time to celebrate Halloween and we kicked off the holiday by taking Hazel to Springfield Zoo's Spooktacular event.  It was really great, and Hazel loved it!

Hazel and her new fairy light.

Me and sweet Hazel att the Spooktacular!

Spooktacular at Springfield zoo
 On Halloween day, I went with my mom, sister and family friend Cindy to have lunch at a tea room in Ozark and then later on I walked around my parent's neighborhood with Sarah and Tom while Hazel trick or treated.
Mom and I before lunch at Spring Creek in Ozark

The McCubbins family on Halloween

Me and my creepy baby!

Me and my lovely sister on Halloween
 I was blessed to be able to see many friends and family while back visiting.  I especially enjoyed getting to see a few of the kiddos I used to nanny for...everyone is growing up so fast!

Visiting with my little friend Amelie
The Scarrow kids with their sock snowmen we made together

After Halloween I drove up to Josh's parents farm in Northern Missouri to visit.  We were able to get together with our high school friends, visit lots of family and Josh got to do a lot of hunting.  This ended up being a bittersweet time for Josh and I, this was the last time we were able to see our sweet dog Harley.  About a month after we left to come back to London, we got a message from Josh's mom that Harley had passed away in his sleep.  Josh and I were devastated, but also felt so glad that we had been able to see him one last time.  He was a fantastic dog who gave us lots of unconditional love, laughs and joy throughout the years.  Rest in peace my sweet boy!

Josh and Harley at his parents farm

Josh with his mom and brothers in their awesome shirts :)
 After our visit to northern Missouri and Quincy, Josh and I drove back to Springfield together.  On the way back we stopped by the property we purchased a few months back.  My parents met up with us and after a delicious lunch of BBQ the guys enjoyed  some target practice.

Josh and I visiting our land in Missouri

Josh and dad target shooting

Josh gave us a tour of the 60 acres
 The following day we decided to have an early Thanksgiving.  It was delicious and so much fun!

Sarah and Tom at "Thanksgiving"

Cathy and Kevin, our favorite Springfieldians!

Family Thanksgiving picture, just missing Sam and Amanda

 Once 'Thanksgiving' was over, it was time to celebrate an early Christmas.  Mom took all of us girls on a Polar Express train ride in Branson.  It was great!  The train was decked out in holiday decorations, Santa and his wife came through, we sang Christmas carols, saw Christmas lights and the North Pole, had cookies and hot chocolate and listened to a reading of the Polar Express.  It was adorable.  Hazel loved it all, apart from the Hobo, who despite his efforts, made her cry multiple times.

Hazel is excited for the Polar Express train ride

Hazel was not too sure about Santa

Sarah and I meet the Hobo that Hazel hated!

Sweet Hazel loved the ride!
After three weeks it was time to come back to London.  I must admit, it was harder to leave this time than it has been before.  Luckily, Josh and I had a visit to Samanda's for the real Thanksgiving to look forward to (and a trip to the Christmas Markets in Germany!).  We also celebrated Christmas at Sam and Amanda's.  It is great to come up to their house, it is so spacious compared to ours!  Josh and I arrived in Bury St. Edmunds on Christmas eve and headed straight to a party that one of Samanda's friends was hosting, we are so thankful that their friends are so welcoming!  After the party we headed to Ely Cathedral for midnight mass.  On Christmas morning we slept in and enjoyed a delicious brunch, then opened our gifts.   

Josh and I ready for midnight mass

Sister and brother, together for Christmas!  

Sam and Amanda on Christmas eve (and Hercules too!)

Wow!  Look at all of the presents!

A fun toy that mom sent Sam, flying chickens!

Josh is happy it is Christmas day!

So many things to open!

Josh and a few of his favorite gifts

It's our Christmas goose!  Sam did a great job cooking it.

What are you doing to that poor bird!?!
Afternoon naptime.
In traditional Bairdbrook Christmas fashion, we found it necessary to take pictures to entertain our family and friends back in the States.  We decide to forgo the Nudifyer app we overused last year and went with classic Christmas movie scenes.  I think everyone enjoyed them!  

"Shitter's full"  - National Lampoons Christmas Vacation

Kevin, from Home Alone

Spider on Marv - Home Alone

Randy ready for school  "I can't put my arms down!"- A Christmas Story
Fuller smashed by a chair- Home Alone

Schwartz being double dog dared - A Christmas Story

Ralphie getting his mouth washed out with soap - A Christmas Story

The poster scene - Love Actually

Cop scene - National Lampoons Christmas Vacation
Christmas was so fun!  And now I am officially caught up (finally) with our goings on from the last few months.  Hopefully I will be better about updating in the future!  
Rach x

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