Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Well, that sucks...

Josh, hard at work...
This evening Josh and I were participating in Josh's favorite pastime...making lists.  These events are not as exciting for me, so I usually grudgingly participate.  While crossing some "to do's" off our lists, Josh discovered that there were some odd charges on our credit card.  It seems that someone was able to use our credit card number to make two cash advances of 100 pounds.  Ugghh.  The picture above is of Josh, during the one hour conversation with Capital One.  Having fraudulent charges on a credit card sucks under normal circumstances, but having you only source of payment/cash canceled three days before your UK bank account goes into effect really sucks.  Basically, we have 40 pounds cash between the two of us until at least Friday...if not longer.  Josh's new CC will hopefully be arriving on Friday...mine will be mailed to the States for some reason (mom, I'm going to need you to mail that to me!)  Transferring money from our US bank account is an option, but it also takes a few days.  Luckily, Josh is scheduled to be paid on Friday, so we should have access to that right away.  The whole situation isn't completely terrible, but it is completely inconvenient!

Since I am writing about sucky experiences, I'll talk about my bad tube experience from yesterday.  I had an appointment with a career counselor on Monday at 4:00.  My counselor, Sharon, thought that it would only take about 30 minutes to reach  the Royal Festival Hall (which is down by the Thames and London Eye).  I left around 3:00 with a written detailed plan on what tubes to take and where to transfer.  I'm not sure exactly what happened, but somehow I ended up a tube train going the opposite direction from where I needed to go.  Luckily I figured this out pretty quickly, but I was still delayed.  I ended up being 30 minutes late to my appointment and completely frustrated (almost to the point of tears!)  Thankfully, Sharon was very kind and understanding and our meeting went well.

I feel like being pouty, so I'm going to complain about our washer/dryer too.  The company that runs our corporate housing left us a vague description of how to use the washer/dryer (it is an all in one machine).  There are nobs and buttons and weird squiggly lines I just haven't figured out yet.  It literally takes all day to do a load of laundry.  The dryer seems to be my biggest nemesis...I have been using what I think is the dryer setting, but it takes FOREVER to dry anything.  I basically think it is air drying it with no heat, while it tumbles around.  Luckily, someone is stopping by tomorrow to leave better instructions for me.  Fingers crossed I can get it figured out. 

In better news, during my flat hunting I've found a very serious contender. There are a few downsides, but it has almost everything we were looking for.  First of all, the building is beautiful, it is in an old water works building.  The best part is that it is only a four minute walk to Josh's office. 
Rosebery Avenue Flat
Reception Room
The building is very secure, with a keypad to gain entrance and a concierge in the lobby (which is huge, it looks like a ballroom, but dang, I didn't get a picture!)  There are two bedrooms, that are small (eek) and two bathrooms.  The kitchen is also pretty little, but has everything we need; a large fridge, storage, washer/dryer combo, and a dishwasher (yay!)  The reception (living) room is a good size and the whole flat is hardwood, which I love.  I still have a few flats to see on Wednesday, but this just might be the winner!

Tiny little kitchen (there is more that you can't see though)

I hope that our days get a little easier this week.  We really don't need anything else to go wrong, it makes it hard to enjoy this new city we are in! 


Sarah said...

Looks like a nice place Rach! Sorry about all your troubles...when Tom and I were in Hawaii on our honeymoon we had someone charging stuff in France and our account was frozen...totally stunk!

Mom said...

You need me!! I will be on the next flight! How much is 100 pounds? Do you have plenty to eat? Sounds like a book I read.

That does not look like Josh, Guess I never looked him from the side.

Bummer about the CC, do you know where this happened? Some place you used your cards? Someone told me today that was there to watch out for pick pockets too. I will mail ASAP, who is it coming from?

Flat looks really nice, hope it works out, I think once you are in your own place things will get better, if not COME HOME! Miss you, Love Mom

Uncle Joe and Aunt Carol said...

Is a pound $3.50? Thats alotta money! Hope you get that fixed quick. I had that happen,and what a pain! Had somebody even try to get cash from an ATM in Romania!
Carol had one of those washer/dryer combos, and it was the same way! Took forever to dry clothes, and they were small loads.
And thanks for the Christmas card! Everybody loved it! Everything will get straightened out soon, I'm sure. You kids will look back on this in the years come and laugh!

Mom said...

P.S. I say Josh give up making list, new beginnings 2012!

Anonymous said...

Sorry about your troubles, but remember my saying, This To Shall Pass. I do like the flat you just showed us. Looks pretty promising to me. Chin up my sweet granddaughter, this time next year you may laugh about it all.

Love you,
Granny D

Anonymous said...

I love Josh's new expensive haircut! I'm sorry to hear that there are more inconvenient mishaps happening to you all, I guess it makes you miss your old dryer. I love the flat, very pretty! Consider this time, though it seems frustrating right now, as your bonding and growing as a couple in your new adventure! I found out tonight that we get to spend our first two months as newly weds living in a dorm, im calling it our bondingmoon! I hope you guys have a better end to your week than beginning...just think less than one month and you will be state side again...with qudoba :)! Love you guys, take care!


Josh and Rachel said...

We are pretty sure that the number and pin were skimmed from an ATM we used on Saturday. Most, if not all European credit and debit cards have a chip in them that prevent fraud, but the American card companies have not updated yet. Josh told me that the two people in front of him in line at the ATM couldn't get their cards to work, so I think they had chips in them. Oh well. Now we know.

Joe, a pound is about $1.60, so the fraudulent charges on our CC were about $160.0.

Jeremy Holbrook said...

Hang in there! I too was just the victim of identity theft. Very annoying! Jerkfaces. Love the blog, guys. Look forward to reading the updates!


Anonymous said...

Is that a new hair cut for Josh? I thought it looked different.

Josh and Rachel said...

Yes...he spend 25 pounds on that haircut! He spends more money on his hair than I do!

Mom said...

Rach, I think you shoul get highlights in your hair, go for it!

Anonymous said...

I'm here! I'm here! Yes, I agree with Grandma D...this too shall pass. Take care, can't wait to see you at the wedding! Jill

Mom said...

Time for a new post!